Tags: Mocktail book / mocktails
Mocktail book by zander lauritzen Hansen

Ever since 2009 Zander Lauritzen Hansen have been working on non-alcolic and mocktail drinks in Denmark and the Nordics. During 2010-2018 the general idea and concept of quality and “virgin drink” was still in its very early stages in Denmark. In 2013 I startet to cooperatate with “vejdirektoratet” which was later adaptet over to “Sikker Trafik” for which I develop different mocktails and recipes for their different drinks compains. Already before this I had worked with local libaryes to promote non-alcolodic drinks and to my knowlegde, was the first to active use the term “mocktails” in Denmark.

Later in 2016 In cooperation with Monin I wrote the first Mocktail book in Denmark, showing 40 different delicious mocktails with the general person could make from home.
